oneword365, trust, universe


I don’t really know where it came from, but it popped into my head and I knew it was my one little word for 2019: Open.

Unlike Gratitude — a word I chose because I knew I needed to focus on being grateful in 2017 — and Explore — a word I chose because I knew I’d be walking a lot in 2018 — I really don’t know where Open will lead me. Perhaps that’s the point.

I want to be open to the possibilities, to the unplanned moments, to the people I encounter. I want to be open to new ideas. I want to be open to what’s in front of me, things or people I’ve dismissed. I want to be open to a new year, a fresh start, a beginning.

In yoga this morning we did camel pose and supported fish pose — both heart opening poses. I knew those were meant for me. It’s not always easy for me to be wide open like that, but it’s time.

When I thought about creating my word to display in my sewing room, I knew I wanted to try something different. I remembered these script templates saved on my computer — templates I never used because I thought they’d be too hard to figure out, beyond my capabilities. But, I printed out the letters I needed, watched a short tutorial, and within a few minutes “open” was created. Just in this one small wall hanging I’ve already opened myself up to something new.

We don’t have a lot on the calendar for 2019 — no big trips planned. We’re seeing Mumford & Sons in Nashville in March and will make a long weekend out of that. We’ve got work trips, but nothing else — we need to change that! I do have four half-marathons planned — I’m registered and they’re paid for. My first training plan starts today! Otherwise, 2019 is wide open…maybe that’s how it’s supposed to be.

I’m sure there will be more insights as the year rolls along, but for now on January 1, 2019, I’m open to what’s possible.

1 thought on “Open”

  1. Open is a great theme. Not just for a year but for life. With all that I am anxious about, I could use some openness. Looking forward to learning from you in 2019! 🙂


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